Saturday, August 31, 2019

African American Literature Essay

This process, wherein the reading of a text becomes a vehicle for self-realization and self-transformation is emphasized in the slave narratives of African American Literature. These narratives present us with accounts of individual self-transformation evident in the process wherein the individual writes his or her self into a being recognized by the dominant society. Within such works, the authors portray the process in which he or she overcomes the slaveholding society’s continuous attempts to deny or eradicate his or her identity. Despite of this, it is important to note that although such a process involves the creation of a referent, which is tantamount to the creation of an identity, such a process also involves the assimilation of the dominant culture’s norms. In this sense, slave narratives may be seen as depicting the conflict involved in the creation of an African American identity. The conflict is evident if one considers that the aforementioned assimilation of values involved in the creation of an African American identity stands in direct conflict to the individual’s experiences during and after slavery. African-American slave narratives, in this sense, provide a dramatic model of the textual construction and development of African-American identity. Such a process, on the other hand, mirrors the correlation between literature and politics and thereby allows us to consider the theoretical and ethical implications of a literary work. This is evident if one considers that African American slave narratives aide in the construction of an African American identity by raising issues regarding the comportment and formation of the self within an inscrutable literary form. In lieu of this, this paper opts to present an analysis of the textual, social, and political conditions that affect the creation of the African American identity. The paper is divided into three parts. The first part of the paper aims to explicate the aforementioned relation of the textual construction of identity evident within literary texts. The necessity of such is evident if one considers that the process sets the contextual background for the analysis of literary texts. The second part of the paper, on the other hand, opts to explicate the manner in which certain forms of slave narratives may aide in the creation of an African American identity. Such an explication involves the analysis of Frederick Douglass’ Narratives of the Life of Frederick Douglass as well as Harriet Jacob’s Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. The following texts will be used due to the autobiographical character of the aforementioned texts. It is important to note that the aforementioned genre provides a form of discursive control both as an authorial choice and as a privileged aesthetic and ethical discourse. This stems from the presumed unitary character of the narratives within the genre (Gilligan 89). Such a character, on the other hand, enables the promotion and presentation of a self that shares confessional discourse and an assumed interiority with an attached moral law in the examination of an individual and in the creation of the author’s individuality. In this sense, the inclusion of the aforementioned works within the genre of autobiography may be seen as political act, which mirrors the same conflicts evident in the political construction of the self that African American’s experience in the creation or formation of an identity. In this part of the paper, I will also argue that the aforementioned works enable the act of transformative recognition, which is necessary in the creation of an African American identity. The third part of the paper, on the other hand, involves the setting of the power relations that enables the conflict of identity formation amongst African Americans within the current American society. The third part of the paper thereby provides a social analysis of the aforementioned conflict in identity formation. In the last part of the paper, I will argue that such a conflict continually pervades the current American society and that the reason for such lies in the continuation of African American slavery within the 21st Century America. It is important to note that the continuation of such is enabled by the continuous perception of the African American as a slave. The continuation of slavery thereby is enabled by the continuation of the â€Å"perceived status characteristic† of the African American as a slave (Levin 227). Let us now proceed with the initial part of the paper. Due to the interconnectedness of the text and the individual, discussions of African American Literature can be placed within a theoretical and ethical arena. It becomes possible to conjoin the effects of the ethical and aesthetic character of a work in the realization of a self-identity and political identity in the reader. At the same time, this view allows us to posit the individual reading a text as someone whose ethical problematization necessitates a theoretical problematization. Through this, it also becomes possible for us to ask whether the predisposed reading of texts is in itself a mode of exercising power over the ethical predispositions of individuals and not necessarily a theory, which opts to pave the way for human emancipation. All of these will show that the spontaneous and habitual orientation of attention is inimical to the maintenance of reality. Therefore, the event of ascribing an identity towards one’s self is a reorientation of attention and a kind of ontological conversion, which affects the aesthetic, ethical, and political perceptions of the individual. In order for literature to be considered as a form of social practice, there are factors that need to exist. These are the writer, the reader, and the text. Spatiotemporal and material conditions may affect the relationship between the three. For example, not all authors know their readers and the meaning ascribed to a text is dependent upon the conditions within the society in which the text is located. There are other complexities in the relationship between the three. For example, by looking at the material conditions closely, we will see that writers normally write for a specific audience whose inclinations and attitudes they consider in the process of writing their stories. This leads to the creation of genres, which dictate how a particular form of literature will be read and considered. Of course, genre formation is not this simple but what I would like to emphasize here is that in the process of genre formation abstractions are being created and established within a system, which leads to the creation of a new set of categories and a new paradigm for assessing a literary text. Since writing occurs within a specific logonomic system, which constrains and determines the meaning of a text, it becomes important to consider whether what is being written and produced will not disrupt the dominant paradigm. That is why, within a patriarchal society, any form of literature that questions or presents another alternative to the normative form of existence becomes marginalized and silenced. True enough, there are instances wherein a space is provided for the existence of deviant perspectives. However, it should be noted that no dominant social discourse includes or exhausts all human practice, energy, and intention. On the contrary, it is a fact of all modes of domination that they select from and consequently exclude the full range of human practice. Therefore, when an excluded and marginalized discourse becomes incorporated or is allowed to exist within the dominant paradigm, it has already been reinterpreted to suit the dominant paradigm’s perspective. Such is the case of African American slave narratives. Acceptance of the aforementioned narratives within the literary sphere involves recognition of the African American existence as individual entities with their own ontology. It is important to note, that early slave narratives took the form of â€Å"spiritual autobiography, the providential tale, criminal confession, Indian captivity narrative, sea adventure story, and the picaresque novel† (Fisch 13). The religious character of such slave narratives accounts for the process of liberation [spiritual and then political] character of the aforementioned forms evident within the genre. Acceptance of the genre thereby involves a predetermined creation of an ontology for those who are depicted within the genre itself. Such an ontology is provided by the religious conversion associated with the narratives of the self evident within the aforementioned genre. According to Fisch, the acceptance of the genre was characterized by a form of â€Å"racial condescension that often takes the form of romantic primitivism† wherein the African American ex-slave is portrayed as a â€Å"’native people’ who were more virtuous since they were removed from the corrupting influences of society† (25). From this, we can see that African Literature faces the problems of categorization. Knowing that recognition will only be achieved when one is accepted within the dominant paradigm, there is a considerable desire to be a part of the canon. However, working with the knowledge that acceptance is tantamount to the loss of the subversive and revolutionary character of their writings; African American Literature strives for a form of recognition, which erases all forms of domination wherein the literary works from the centre, periphery, and the middle all possess equal ground. This is possible if we perceive African American Literature as a form of â€Å"minor literature†. Minor literature does not designate a specific literature but it refers to the recognition that all forms of literature have been placed in â€Å"revolutionary conditions†¦within the heart of what are called great (or established) literature† (Deleuze and Guattari 18). However, this recognition that all forms of literature once held a revolutionary position against the canon does not erase the dominance of a particular mode of perceiving texts. Drawing a boundary of what is or what is not African American Literature is a problematic exercise since the talk of African American writing aims to raise issues of difference by implying the presence and the absence of something that is not yet fully defined [African American identity]. Furthermore, the answer to the question is dependent upon the establishment of meaning in relation to the text. Within this perspective, meaning may exist in the identity apparent in the writer, the reader, or the text itself. However, there are problems with this viewpoint. If what is necessary for a text to be considered as African American Literature is the race of its writer, it becomes problematic when we consider a text written by a African American who has not yet identified himself with the struggles of the class and the race. Second, not all the texts produced by African American writers pertain to experiences of racism and slavery. Third, contrary to the constructivist’s account of the fluidity of identity, such a perspective is based upon the assumed fixity of identity of the writer.

Business and Admin Research Information

Give Reasons for agreeing Objectives and deadlines for researching information Agreeing objectives is essential for a team or individual to know what they are focusing on to avoid wasting resources and time. Knowing the How, What, When and Why of an assignment will mean being able to complete the task in a timely manner and correctly. Deadlines strongly affect what you research e. g. World news is being update by the hour, with a well-defined deadline; we can better gather the relevant information as equired.There is no point to having a long deadline and present a report of yesterdays news; Who is interested in old news? How much will you pay for yesterday newspaper? Is it worthless? A copy of todays newspaper is worth money, but yesterdays is worthless. Therefore, objectives and deadline must go hand in hand. With the right objective and a set deadline you know what must be done and how long you have. 1. 2 Give reasons for identifying and agreeing sources of information As there ar e many different ways to find out information, for example; The internetBooks and EBooks Word of mouth etc. , Reference material Academic Journals Magazines Statistics Specialist information Interviews Past speeches Pictures Organizations It is therefore crucial that you make sure the information is correct, relevant and at the right time, with all the required information in hand. Only if data is stored in a procedural manner it can be easily retrieved. Information might be retrieved for marketing purposes, for communications, for monitoring purposes; for surveys and other research that an organisation or business might conduct.Information will also be retrieved in situations where information might have to be shared with partner companies and with the police or Tax Services. Storage of data plays a major role in improving the performance of a company and this can happen either offline or online and in various formats. Storing information is essential for many reasons; these includ e Ease of access and readability, The level of detail you are able to store The choice to have various copies of the information in case of loss and ease of transfer.Be Able To Research Information for Others 2. Agree aims, objectives and deadlines for the information search Agreeing aims and objectives regarding tasks will help you to do your work efficiently as they give a clear idea of what is needed and why. Deadlines are also very important as our customers and our reputation is negatively affected if we don't complete work in the required time, so time limits help to estimate the time you have to spend on each one, otherwise you could spend too long researching one source and then find out it was the wrong source.Having deadlines allows you to structure your own deadlines, allowing a certain mount of time on each source of research, so you do not overlook the information of another. 2. 2 Identify sources of information Question 1. 2 answers this question. 2. 3 Search for and o btain data Research comprises of; â€Å"A creative work undertaken on a systematic basis, in order to increase the stock of knowledge. This includes knowledge of man, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications. † (OECD (2002) Frascati Manual: proposed standard practice for surveys on research and experimental development, 6th edition).It is used to establish or confirm facts, reaffirm the results of previous work, solve new or existing problems, support theorems, or develop new theories. The primary purposes of basic research (as opposed to applied research) is documentation, discovery, interpretation, or the research and development (R;D) of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge. There are several forms of research: Scientific Humanities Artistic, Economic Social Business Marketing Practitioner research, etc. Nothing damages someone's professional credibility as quickly as an error, even a inor one.While a simp le calculation error or typo can seem trivial in the scheme of things, it implants doubt into your audience's mind. They now think; â€Å"If this person can make these simple errors, they can also make larger errors†. Errors occur for many reasons; Ignorance Lack of time Poor planning Laziness Incorrect data Invalid source material The most common errors we see are in spreadsheets and written communications. Spreadsheets can be deceiving because they print out or display very professionally and can hide simple calculation errors.Careless manipulation of formulas can cause errors that are difficult to visually detect. that miss detection by spell checker programs due to multiple meanings and basic sentence structure. Also, if the reader finds inconsistences in the flow of the report/ information or if it sounds far-fetched, they being to wonder whether or not the information is plausible. No matter the root cause, errors suggest a lack of caring or attention. Conversely, peopl e notice attention to detail. The customer experience holds true for presentations and report slides.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Microsoft Recruiting Strategy

Those people adapt faster to new situation and hence solve problems much faster, and it is also unnecessary to antenna them their cooperate culture. Rule N minus 1 To keep the people busy and permanently challenged. The HRS management has developed a general rule of hiring people. The so-called n minus 1 rule. What Is this rule, it basically means that Microsoft is not hiring the needed amount of employees, instead they hire less than needed. In this case, they are not pressured to fill up all the positions and can make sure only to hire the best and most fitted for the Job.All the employees are challenged with more work to keep workstation and work performances high. Hire/ no hire – system In Microsoft, the hiring process followed the strict hire or no hire system. The system works Like this. There are approximately 10 Interviewers for one employee and all of them have evaluate the candidate base on his creativity, problem solving skill and their personal opinion. Then they a re bound to give their vote of hire or no-hire. All the results come together and finally the manager over the position, which to be filled, will decide on those results and his personal opinion over the candidate.Babbler says, if we are not 100% sure that we want this guy, we always don't hire. Hiring mediocre is far worse than hire the bad. Work environment Campus Work Place Since most people are recruited fresh from college education, most employees lack comfortable and familiar. So he created his firm to look like a campus for fresh off college employees. The offices of the employees were all closed offices which you could decorate and personalize. Those reminded more of dormitories than of offices.A garden and a small pound in the middle of the campus for leisure and creative thinking process were also included. Caffeine culture Microsoft spent a lot of money for mandated benefits for their employees. The key to this strategy is to bind the workers as long to their workplace as possible. So the average day of a Microsoft employee looked like this: get up in the morning, drive to work, do some work, breakfast, do some more work, lunch, do more work, dinner, drive home sleep. The cafeteria was subsidized and basically everything with caffeine was for free – to raise productivity.Feeling of a small company Bill Gates wanted to keep the feeling of his company the same one when they first founded Microsoft – a small company. To ensure that, he splinted his firm into small divisions and even smaller workups. That way people felt more important of their job, not like some wheels in a big company. Development Personal mentoring To ensure competitiveness, Microsoft has developed a ladder system – linked to their salaries. If work was accomplished in a satisfactory way, one could climb up the ladder without being promoted to management level.This system is especially fitting to Microsoft, since most newly recruited employees were high technical ly skilled programmer, that meant not everyone of those people was a good manager. Don't fire the learning When people at Microsoft fail at some projects, they won't have to fear being fired. Bill Gates says that it would be stupid to fire people who Just learned a lot from allures and give them away to other companies. Instead they even get promoted to other projects to encourage them and motivate them to do better on this new project.Review and Reward SMART system. It was a evaluation system of the employees achievement based on his work results quantified in Specific, Measurable, attainable, result-based, and time-bound features. That way, comparison between coworkers was made possible. Evaluation system Everyone at Microsoft was evaluated twice a year. They were given a rating between one (poor) and 5 (outstanding) to evaluate their work. All employees had to evaluate homeless first before seeing their supervises and getting evaluated by them.That way it was made sure that every one stayed on track and was getting permanently challenged. If an employee had no idea of what rating they were going to get, it meant that their manager did a poor Job. Options Last but not least, people were motivated with options on the firm. It not only meant, being rewarded for their present work but also meant to reward those in the future, to bind monetary rewards to the future performance of the firm, which is all dependent on the employees performances.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Theology critical exegesis on Luke 102537. 'The Parable of the Good Essay

Theology critical exegesis on Luke 102537. 'The Parable of the Good Samaritan' - Essay Example First, the answer to the lawyer's question might be found in the Bible. Second, every person has different perception of what he reads and should find the answer to this question on his own. Thus, in this short reply Jesus has said that the way to salvation was already delivered to people and it is their responsibility to find it. Verses 27 and 28 are the summary of the right way of living "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all they soul, and with thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself". This answer did not satisfy the lawyer and he further asked who can be considered the neighbor and received the reply. Verse 30-35 are the story of how the certain man was beaten by robbers and left half dead on the road. The priest has seen him but passed by. The same has done the Levite. Nevertheless, when the Samaritan saw this beaten man, he was moved with compassion and took care of him. After finishing this story, Jesus has asked the lawyer for his opinion who proved to be the neighbor for the beaten man and the lawyer replied that he was the one who showed mercy. Jesus noted, "Go and do likewise" (Luke 10: 37). Jesus did not reply directly to the asked question, but showed the example of what he meant. The golden rule of treating others, as you want to be treated can be also applied here. Traditionally pa Literal Analysis Traditionally parables and narratives are understood differently by different people, however, the meaning of the Parable of Good Samaritan is understood universally. Referring to the story, the man was walking on the road from Jerusalem to Jericho which is surrounded by the cliffs on both sides. Moreover, it descended over 3000 feet in only ten miles and was dangerous to walk at any time. Thus, it can be that the parable is not fictitious and is made up based on the real situation. Probably Jesus himself has walked this road with the disciples, even though it is very unlikely that the priest or the Levite would travel this road alone taking into account the numerous robbers living in the caves (Brown 1990). Historically, Jews and Samaritans were enemies and not a single Jew would allow the Samaritan to help him even in such extreme situations. Maybe, with this parable Jesus wanted to say that the salvation is not granted to selected groups of people and despite of other ethnic origin they are all equal in the eyes of God. Further, these verses are showing that division of people based on their origin is false in essence. The priest and Levite being considered closer to God did not help the person who was in need of assistance, while the Samaritan who was hated by Jews took care of the beaten man. Unfortunately, very little has been written about the historical relationship between Jesus and Samaritans. First, Samaritans could be defined in terms of geography - they lived in the region called Samaria. Second, Samaritans could be defined in terms of ethnic origin - they were the mixed group of people and had non-Jewish blood. Third, Samaritans can be defined in terms of their religion - they were the Semites who worshiped Yahweh (Brown 1990). Despite of the definition Jesus assumed, it is clear that Samaritans were not welcomed by the Jews of that time. Even though the focus of the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Attracting and Retaining Talent in the Current Environment Research Proposal

Attracting and Retaining Talent in the Current Environment - Research Proposal Example The current business environment or the e-world is about the opportunities that globalization and mobility offer to employees. While in the previous era, people seeking a ‘job for life’, the current world that is enabled with information technology provides a host of opportunities for the employee and the employer. Clearly, information technology and the widespread use of Internet along with globalization have broken down barriers and borders. A person from the UK would probably not hesitate if a suitable offer and position came up in the US or any other country. At the same time, employers also have the option of a much wider talent pool and an HR person from the UK would not hesitate to recruit someone from the US (Martinsons, 2009). Considering all the issues and opportunities, the thesis looks at ISS as an enabler and would find ways and means to link it with SHRM thus creating a competitive advantage for a firm. The paper would be using both primary and secondary re search with extensive literature review and survey to link the two areas. Â  Competitive advantage for organizations is obtained by managing and maintaining key resources that are scarce and are difficult for other firms to imitate and which provide a firm an advantage over its rivals. Among the key resources available, human resources are regarded by many firms as irreplaceable. Being ‘irreplaceable’ is very true in the case of hi-technology firms such as Intel or Pharmaceutical companies that have a high worth of intellectual capital. Other firms also regard skilled technicians, good instructors, a good sales team or even excellent programmers as valuable and these employees help in retaining a competitive advantage (Youndt, 2006). Â  

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How Does the Constitution Mitigate Collective Action Problems Essay

How Does the Constitution Mitigate Collective Action Problems - Essay Example The essay "How Does the Constitution Mitigate Collective Action Problems?" talks about the aspects of collective action in terms of Constitution of the United States of America. The most basic question then is ‘what is collective action’. The foremost treatise on the subject is the Logic of Collective action by Mancur j Olsen. Olsen studies the notion of a group, he examines that individuals form groups or organizations with common interests. These groups or organizations are formed to promote and advance the common interests or work for the well-being and benefit of the members of the organization and this action is called the collective action. The union strives to get between wages, working conditions etc for its members. In modern democracies, the government is a group which performs a collective action - made up of elected representatives; it strives to work for the well-being and to promote the interests of the public. The government provides healthcare, free education, infrastructure, defense and other civil liberties for the well-being of its citizens. The basis of collective action is an input made by members towards an organization which then promotes the common interests of all the members of the same. This implies that, as far as possible, persons must contribute to the organization to avail of the promotion of their interests. However, this is not always the case. Problems arise with the collective action model because individuals by their very nature do not agree on the common interests.... Coordination ii. Disagreement iii. Defection/Instability iv. Free Riding v. Alternatives/Prisoners Dilemma The most important of these are the problems of Free Riding and Prisoners Dilemma. In certain organisations, individuals do not contribute for the benefits they enjoy. This is the problem of Free Riding. Such a problem can be seen clearly in the case of ‘Public Goods’. Economists use the term public goods to refer to goods provided by a government on the basis of taxation and not prices. These are goods, the enjoyment of which by one person does not diminish the enjoyment of another enjoying the same goods, For example, where two people look at a work of art, one person enjoyment has no relevance to the others; however the work of art is available to be enjoyed by all. This is in contrast to private goods where an owner of such good can prevent others from using it. Individuals in these groups’ feel that the benefit to them is too negligible and disregard the benefit of such a good to others, thereby refusing to contribute, thee ride free; enjoy the benefits based on the contribution of other members . For example as in the cases of environmental pollution, where all individuals by polluting less can protect all from harmful rays of the sun. However, if an individual feels that pollution is of no importance and the benefit to him is minimal, he will be a free rider on the contributions of others. An individual in a group may pursue an activity that rewards him individually rather than pursuing the interests of the group which causes the problem of prisoner’s dilemma. III. The Role of the Constitution Article 1 section 8: The federation of states that make up the United States of America are bodies which all work

Monday, August 26, 2019

Should some of the possessory type drug offenses that are now Essay

Should some of the possessory type drug offenses that are now prosecuted such as marijuana cocaine and heroin be repealed and instead become legalized regulated and taxed - Essay Example The following paragraphs will present one’s justifications for believing that now is the time to make the necessary changes with regards to the policies on drugs. The first reason why one believes that the drug trade should be legalized is because its being prohibited has paved the way for huge opportunities for organized crime (Husak , par 113). Black marketers abound because the trade is not legal. It is believed that most organized crimes are funded through the sale of illicit drugs such as marijuana, cocaine and heroin (Husak , par 113). Furthermore, most of these drugs have become expensive because of their being illegal and not because of their high manufacturing cost. This being the case, most of its users commit property crimes just to be able to purchase the drugs. These crimes could be prevented if these drugs will be legalized, since it will command lower prices (Husak , par 115). Another rationale why one thinks laws against illegal drugs should be eradicated is that it has led to widespread corruption within the law enforcement agencies (Husak , par 114). Because of the huge sums of money involved in the trade of illicit drugs, several police officers have become involved in its trade. The government is losing millions because of the illegal trade of illicit drugs. One believes that if the sale of these drugs will be decriminalized, the government will benefit from the taxes that will be imposed on its trade. On the contrary, if the government continues to stop its trade, only the black marketers and the organized drug syndicates will benefit from it. Due to the prohibition of drugs like heroin or marijuana, more people become interested and curious to use it. This is what is termed as the â€Å"forbidden fruit† phenomenon (Husak , par 118). In fact, in Netherlands, once marijuana was decriminalized, the use started to decline

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Business law term paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Business law - Term Paper Example For movies and creative work a clear understanding by the actors, producers and directors of copyright law and trademark laws of the land are quite essential. These important detailed are necessary in making clear the ownership of such creative works and the brands. The issues involved include intellectual property rights and who has legitimate claim on them. In the movie there is a debate on who are the owners of the images and songs of the movie. For clarity of these proper contracts between the producers and the creative professional should be apparent. Copyright law for example is about is the exclusive right given under certain government exclusive rights to a work to the original producer of such works. This works have to be registered and in the case that they are not registered then the first producer provided he or she can prove his originality automatically becomes the copyright holder. This paper however shall focus on copyright law and trademark laws governing the movie Pinocchio. So far it is estimated that Pinocchio the movie has over 1000 copyrights in the United States of America. These copyrights of the Disney movie were done in 1957 and renewed in 1985 and will enter in the public domain in 2052. Pinocchio also clearly teaches the audience both the readers of the literally work and those who watched the movies on the elements of a contract. A contract is basically an agreement between two or more parties to fulfill a certain obligation in a specified period of time for a consideration. This fictional character Pinocchio who was a puppet had a burning desire to become a little boy after he was magically transformed to life. The blue fairy promised to turn him into a boy only if he proved himself as worthy. He was to prove his character and show his selflessness before he could be turned into a boy. When we look at the elements of contract we see here there was an offer and

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Literature Review and Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Literature Review and Report - Essay Example Succession planning is a process of identifying and developing people from within the organization with the potential to fill key leadership positions in the company. It increases the availability of experienced and capable employees that are prepared to assume these roles as they become available. It is now combined with leadership training and the processes together are very essential for the functioning of an organization. There are very many advantages of filling up the positions with existing employees, such as, they are already familiar with the values and the methods of functioning of the organization, the people of the organization already know them and thus it will be easier for them to fit in. Also, giving people such an opportunity ensures that they will work extra hard to get trained and developed so that they can fill in the gap required and aim for a promotion. Using internal employees also helps cut down on costs that would come up from the relentless head hunting acti vities for filling in a high post and gives out the message to the employees that the organization is closely knit and would rather give them the opportunities first. LITERATURE ARGUMENTS: Succession Planning Succession planning plays a very important role in regenerating a company's leadership, but quite often, the promises of traditional succession planning are not delivered. The whole purpose of succession planning in an organization, according to Leibman, Bruer and Maki (1996), is to develop a strong leader, not choose, but develop. This is because every organization has different needs and requirements from their leader. Allio (2007) insists that it is necessary to strategically build strong leadership teams in an organization, so as to meet these requirements. He discusses the importance of having good leaders in an organization and the effects that rogue leader can have. Barsh, Capozzi and Davidson (2008) on the other hand discuss the importance of the integration of innovati on into the strategic management of the organization. Leibman, Bruer and Maki (1996) write about the factors that play prominent roles in the development of these leadership teams. One of them is non discriminating hiring, which has led to work places being more diverse, in terms of gender, religious background, age group and ethnicities, all trying to balance home and work, to contribute to a better standard of living for the entire family. Thus, with increasing diversity in the workforce, it is essential that this factor be taken into account in the leadership development programs of organizations. Their research has shown that to achieve better results and higher productivity, corporations have begun to make changes in their structures. Allio (2007) adds to this view by stating, tall organizations are out, making way for a more lenient, flat structure that gives people greater authority and accountability, but also reduces chaos in the organization and encourages team efforts. Th is further contributes to the focus on preparing leadership team, rather than individuals. Also, having a team gives an organization more options and points of view. Barsh, Capozzi and Davidson (2008) provides an additional perspective that, this in some way makes the decision making process more efficient, if not easy, for the simple reason that more than one opinion is taken into account

Friday, August 23, 2019

Methodology Chapter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Methodology Chapter - Essay Example Some researchers claim that unless human behavior can be expressed in numerical terms, it cannot be accurately measured (cited by Jones, 2004). Qualitative data covers a range of material collected from previous research, literature review, case studies and unstructured interviews. Some researchers argue that the qualitative approach is better as it provides greater depth. The relationship between research philosophy and research method is important as it allows one to take an informed decision about the research approach, decide which methods are appropriate for the research, and also determine the constraints that may affect the research (Knox, n.d.). Research philosophy highlights different schools of thought on the how to conduct research. Arguments should be evaluated in different ways because primarily arguments have different roles and purposes and people assess according to the purpose in their mind. At times arguments provide useful information depending on one’s knowledge of how the world works. In a different setting, one can take an abstract approach and ask what follows from a given set of information and then decide on the outcome. Arguments can be evaluated in two qualitatively different ways – in terms of their deductive correctness or in terms of inductive strength (Rips, 2001). Logical positivism employs the quantitative and experimental methods to test deductive generalizations (Amaratunga et al.,). This requires independence of the observer from the subject being observed. Hypotheses have to be formulated in advance for subsequent verification. The explanations in this method are reduced to the simplest possible elements in order to facilitate analysis. Positivism claims that generalizations can be made from a set of events in that past and future decisions can be taken accordingly. The quantitative approach places great stress on numbers that represent

Project Manager to develop a project plan for 4. A fund raising event Assignment

Project Manager to develop a project plan for 4. A fund raising event in Singapore for a charity organization - Assignment Example The scope of this project is to raise funds to these charity organizations. So far we have raised a total of five hundred thousand US dollars ant the estimated cost of constructing the accommodation house is one million US dollar. The money comes from grants from the governments and organizations small business and individuals (Murthy & Mohle, 2001, pp. 123-189). Moreover, public members contributes funds via reaching out to the individual members of the public either through house to house visits; soliciting in streets; an appeal made through the telephone or the media such as the Internet and newspapers; appeal letters by post; or approaching potential donors with a formal proposal. Fundraising have organized within community places. The technical requirements for this project includes expertise in building and construction , quantity surveyors, financial professional accountants who will give how these funds are going to be used. Fundraising will entail putting up a complete accommodation house with associated furniture, beddings but excluding provision of services by the mother organization. For fund-raising appeal to door-to-door assortment or lobbying within the public homes, and Street Gathering Permit ought to be attained from corresponding Police (Murthy & Mohle, 2001, pp. 123-189). A license is never required if it is a private collection that is confined to friends or relatives, appeals made through the telephone or the media such as the Internet and newspapers, appeal letters by post or approaching individual donors. There exist particular permits an individual ought to apply for the pertinent organizations in case an individual is undertaking a fund collection event within the public premises. For any assembly comprising five individuals or more within any public premise to broadcast a basis and campaign, a manager require to apply for the permit from the Singapore

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The present selection Essay Example for Free

The present selection Essay Juries in England often described as the the jewel in the Crown, with 12 different faces on the jury that is its strength, of course there are automatic exemptions: for criminals and bankrupts and more importantly for professionals like lawyers, judges, prison officers and police. Others, like doctors, can seek exemptions. Its tighter in some States than others, but after all the exclusions, exemptions and excuses and lets not forgets the defence is entitled to challenge if they dont like the jury. Juries Act 1974 is the act governing the juries system in UK. Juries system been form in UK for insure the public justice system will be fairly deliver and up hold the justice, yet the present selection, exclusion, exemption and challenges procedures become a great question that did such method did representive of the public conscience. 1 The method of selection of juries subject to this section and section 5, every person enrolled as an elector for the Legislative Assembly shall be qualified and liable to serve as a juror, Therefore those age reach 18 up to 70 were eligible to become juror. This means this category of people details must listed in the Electoral Register records otherwise they wont be listed under the jurors selection list. Ten percent of England qualify votes, never register them self as the votes. The second issue is this category of people wills randomly choused. Thru random selection not all citizen will be selected as the juror even if they are entitle to become a juror. 2One important fact of random selection is its doesnt mean representative selection but its just cross-section of population. This shows that the current juror selection still need to be improve to an advances or alternate method such as using the records of National Registration of Birth and Death in order every qualify citizen not been left behind in the selection. After the selection processes done, all the selected juror will be summon for the final selection, at this stage numbers of them will be exempted from juror services, for having good reason. Those such as pregnant womens, ill-health person, those age 65 above, person facing deep hardship, medical officers, member of Parliaments, legal professionals or those with legal back ground on the past or current services. Those did serve, as juries in past two years also will be exempted from such services. The society still believed that in order to have better verdict thru jurys services, those been exempted due to their nature of duties should consider their participation in juries services, the possibility to such category of people might be better jurors because of having more experiences of life or working with people. Equal opportunity to participate in the fair administration of justice is fundamental to our democratic system. It not only furthers the goals of the jury system. It reaffirms the promise of equality under the law that all citizens, regardless of race, ethnicity, or gender, have the chance to take part directly in our democracy. 4 Powers v. Ohio, its shows and believed that no body should exclude base on solely because of race or gender, this promise of equality dims, and the integrity of our judicial system is jeopardized. The law makers need look in this factors for 5 commands the public confidences in order the juries system continuously will representative of the public conscience . 6In New York and many other State of USA source records for jury services been expended, all or most of exemptions from jury trail been sweep away, and excusal become largely deferred. This result is that nearly every one does jury service as an acknowledged civil duty, including, judges, lawyers, policeman. Doctors and clergymen. About a quarter of million people are summoned for the jury service every year. 7A recent Home Offices research project highlighted that only third of them an available to do so. It shows that, in sample of 50,000 people summoned for jury service in June and July 1999, one third of them available to do so, half of them been allowed to defer their service on later date. Of the remaining two-third, 13% were ineligible, disqualify or excused as of the rights. 15 % either failed to attend on the day or their summoned will returned as undelivered and 38% were excused. The Court also had the power to remove selected jurors if its consider on the account of disability or insufficient understanding of English. 9The Crown Court study undertaken during 1992 on behalf of Runciman Royal Commission, indicated that, nationality, ethnic minority communities seriously un present in juries service. This is due to this group of ethnic not registered in the electors The right of the jury Challenges is very limited in England and Wales compared with in any other country . 10. There is no longer right to Peremptory Challenge. It was abolished in 1988. Juries Act, 1927 s. 57 says the plaintiff or, where there are two or more plaintiffs, the plaintiffs jointly may challenge without cause shown three jurors and no more where there are two or more plaintiffs, they shall join in their challenges. Such 11 Privileges specially in sexual abuse case, not likely allow the female juror as the first choice, the defendant use to challenges the female juror The society believe the womens privileges to become potential juror in such cases become a barrier thru such challenges. Although there are a number of legitimate concerns with the current jury selection process in UK and while a number of options are open for reforming the process, the report concludes that a piecemeal approach to reform is not likely to successfully address the need to improve the system for racial, visible, ethno-cultural and other minorities The need is not only to address some or all of the out-of-court processes, but at the same time to reform the in-court procedures in the selection, exclusion, exemption and the challenges procedures of juries. It would appear to be necessary to undertake reform in order juries always representative of the society.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Link between Transition and Vulnerable Groups in Albania

Link between Transition and Vulnerable Groups in Albania â€Å"The link between transition and vulnerable groups in Albania† Viola Sadushaj Supervisor: Edith FAVOREU Research topic: â€Å"The link between transition and vulnerable groups in Albania† Problem statement:  Ã¢â‚¬ËœVulnerable groups’ Albania shares with the rest of Europe a cultural and historical heritage with roots in the Greek, Roman, and Ottoman civilizations and the Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Muslim religions. The country’s level of economic development and its physical and social infrastructure are like those of the poorest and least-developed areas in Africa and Latin America. The Albanian population has always been vulnerable to the problems of poverty and isolation from the outside world  [1]. Neither the Government nor the kinship networks have had the capacity to compensate for the social upheavals brought about by the fall of Communism. Since that time, new vulnerable groups have arisen as a direct result of the fragmentation of the social structure. The transition in Albania is characterized by volatile and dramatic disruptions. The country is searching for a way out of its economic and social difficulties without a clear sense of direction, and with little social cohesion to sustain whatever policy the Government may choose. Transition is characterized by disorienting, chaotic events, a loss of traditional social norms and organizational arrangements, a lack of credibility on the part of new political leadership, and the appearance of intermediate institutions operating as enclaves and detached from the dynamics in the society. The events of 1991, threw the country into a state of chaos that has been unpredictable in terms of both duration and outcome, making it very difficult to achieve social progress in a cost-effective, equitable, and compassionate way  [2]. Albania is experiencing the emergence of social needs that cannot be addressed simply in terms of poverty reduction. Poverty reduction strategies generally assume that when an economy begins to improve within a scenario of greater political stability and foreign investment, many of the poor and unemployed will be mainstreamed into productive occupations  [3]. The transition in Albania has identified two main conditions of vulnerability (a) social exclusion, which marginalizes people via the mechanism of rejection from mainstream society, and (b) gender abuse, which marginalizes women via the threat or use of violence. Such conditions have created at least seven highly vulnerable groups in Albania: Youth at risk of abandoning school: Dropping out of school exposes increasing numbers of youth to the risk of social exclusion, street begging in Italy and Greece, and, in the case of girls, gender abuse. It is also an important factor in the resurgence of illiteracy, lack of economic opportunity, and general cultural diminishment. Institutionalized and abandoned children: This group includes orphans, children abandoned by their families, and those with physical handicaps. Such children were strongly penalized under the Communist regime and their condition has not improved. Today their numbers are increasing and they are even more marginalized due to the disruptions and consequent breakdown of family relationships, which are their only guarantee of survival. Young men at risk of criminal behavior: Young men who have finished school are at risk of becoming socially excluded and eventually recruited by the criminal economy. The incidence of this phenomenon is correlated with the income level and employment opportunities in the various areas. Young men at risk of drug addiction: This group is recent origin, present mainly in Tirana and other urban centers, but also rapidly expanding in smaller cities. Albania is becoming one of the major drug crossroads in Europe, with cannabis widely cultivated in the south and heroin coming in from Turkey. Abandoned elderly: Traditional Albanian values require the family to care for the elderly. Nevertheless, massive migration and the breakdown of extended families is resulting in their neglect. Social institutions to care for the elderly are inadequate and unprepared to meet demands for assistance by the increasing numbers who do not have children or are not supported by children who have emigrated. Women at risk of gender abuse: The fall of Communist regime has worsened the condition of women. Young women are initiated into prostitution almost exclusively by close friends or boyfriends, many of them linked to organized crime. There is also a resurgence of the pre-Communist betrothal tradition; which exposes young women to the risk of violence both within and outside the family. As a result of this lack of security, parents are keeping girls out of school. The vulnerable groups have varying features depending on where they are located. All seven groups are found in large numbers in the cities and rural communities of the middle and coastal regions, where uncontrolled migration flows are accelerating the breakdown of the traditional family structure in the context in which no mechanism are in place to support the emergence of strong nuclear families. The lack of economic opportunities for men and women in these areas, combined with the surge of criminal organizations are illegal residences, are producing increasing numbers of abandoned elderly, women, and children and are putting an entire young generation at risk of drug use and criminal activities that victimize others. Problems caused by transition: Loss of state employment, Insecurity due to crime and gang activity, Family disaggregation. Priority needs of people: Improve employment opportunities, Credit for small business, Improve infrastructure: water supply, power, transportation lines, telephone and communication systems etc. Improve social services, Greater security, Education and health services, Reduce the corruption. In this phase of transition, Albania’s representative institutions are formally in place but operationally inadequate, while social intermediary organizations such as citizens associations are few and limited in scope. Large areas of the country, particularly in the north and east, are still organized according to extended family and clan relationships that control local administrations and have little interface with central government institutions. The emergence of the new vulnerable groups in society is at odds with the prevailing kinship ties, and their interests are scarcely represented in Albanias weak body politic. The countrys political institutions are further weakened by the continuing polarization between the Geghs (speakers of the northern dialect) and the Tosks (speakers of the southern dialect) in national politics and the central administration. In addition, the countrys labor unions, a driving force for social protection in Albania (as in all European countries), have collapsed as a result of closure of state industries, leaving industry and agriculture largely to microenterprises and family units. National cohesion also suffers from a fragmented press and the limited coverage of national issues. Religion does not have a significant official political impact in the country, although Moslem and Christian leaders express views on social issues such as abortion and education. As a result of all these factors, decisions relevant to large numbers of people are usually made through consultations and negotiations within informal networks. At the central level the institution that presently endeavors to address the needs of vulnerable groups is the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, and Women (MOLSAW). The Ministry operates through its Policy Department and two autonomous subdivisions: the National Employment Services (NES) and the General Administration of Social Services (GASS). Most of MOLSAWs budget comes from the Finance Ministry, although efforts are being made to attract foreign donors and to set up special funds supplied by external aid. MOLSAW is now practicality the only source of financing for social programs, although the law enables rural communes and urban municipalities to levy taxes. In 1996, the NE share of GDP decreased slightly from 1995, with an almost certain decrease in household allocations, and a negative but unquantifiable effect on particularly vulnerable household members. In 1996, households receiving cash benefits were estimated to be approximately 20 percent of all households 35 percent according to World Bank estimates. Large numbers of poor are not eligible for the NE program, including those who moved to urban areas after December 1995- an exclusionary measure designed to slow migration to urban areas. Moreover, many who are eligible cannot get benefits due to the lack of records. The Government provides limited social services through welfare institutions such as orphanages and homes for elderly, with very few social workers monitoring situations of poverty and social exclusion of individuals or groups. At present, there are only 22 Government welfare facilities in the entire country, operated by GASS and located in several communes. They include 5 residences for homeless and abandoned elderly, housing a total of 300 persons (30 applicants are on a waiting list and there are 7,500 pending request for admission); and 7 centers for the handicapped (1 each in Tirana, Berat, Korca, Lezha, and Durres, and 2 in Shkodra). Facilities and attendant services are grossly inadequate. The Government estimates that there are 27,000 handicapped individuals in the country, 6,000 of whom need specific, long-term treatment, which is unavailable. None of the 12 regional GASS offices has a physician on staff. The role of NGOs The traditional extended family and clan-based structure of Albania, together with the half century of Communism, have produced a society in which civic associations, including those active in the care of vulnerable groups and dedicated to social development, are still scarce  [4]. Nevertheless, the number of indigenous NGOs has been increasing over the past years, and many foreign NGOs are also active. These organizations provide a range of social services but act quite independently from one another, and often with little interface with government. Legislation concerning NGOs has been under consideration for some time, including a bill that would license NGOs working with vulnerable groups, as well as establish a mechanism to transfer resources from MOSLAW to those NGOs. The system would presumably consist of a grant fund useable for NGO projects or NGO-run activities; the NGOs would be selected to run certain projects on the basis of tenders. MOSLAW would have the responsibility to inspect and monitor NGO activities funded through that mechanism. The Albanian NGO Forum, the main umbrella organization, includes more than 200 indigenous NGOs, of which roughly 90 appear to carry out some activity, while the others seem to exist in name only; the numbers are inexact due to the lack of registration standards. Most of the organizations are minuscule (one to three persons) and have little in the way of a track record or a well-defined mission. According to the Forum, no more than ten are able to carry out social service programs, and most of these are linked with foreign NGOs or NGO networks, or are supported by international organizations. There are no mass-based, grassroots NGOs. The Forum is oriented toward national development and civil progress issues. Of its 90 operative members, 18 are dedicated to womens issues, and 4 of these are said to be influential in promoting networking among women to place gender issues on the national agenda. Others are involved in providing microcredit and skills training, thereby acting as informa tion bridges to open up new economic and social perspective to their beneficiaries. Many of these are rural women, who are encouraged by such programs to start their own businesses. A number of international NGOs are also active in Albania, the largest network of which is run by the Catholic Church. This network consists of worship, education, health, and social service centers staffed by a total of about 100 religious and lay personnel. The activities are carried out mainly in Tirana and major centers in the traditionally Catholic northern regions. Several Islamic NGOs also run childcare, education, and health programs. Some lay NGOs are active in issues concerning women, children, and babies; and one, the Soros Foundation, is becoming involved in the Albanian Development Funds urban microcredit program. While the international NGOs are making valuable contributions to human welfare, however their presence in the country remains suboptimal, which prevents them from undertaking programs that could have a system-wide impact. Research Questions: Is the transition process inclusive or exclusive regarding vulnerable groups? Does the transition process contribute to specific changes for the vulnerable groups? What should do the state of Albania to address a better response to these vulnerable groups in this process of transition? Bibliography: Books: -Alexandra Barahona De Brito, Carmen Gonzalez Enriquez, Paloma Aguilar, â€Å"The Politics of Memory and Democratization: Transitional Justice in Democratizing Societies: Transitional Justice in Democratizing Societies†, OUP Oxford, 2001. -Attila Agh, â€Å"Emerging Democracies in East Central Europe and the Balkans†, Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., 1998. -Clarissa De Waal, â€Å"Albania today: a portrait of post-communist turbulence†, I.B.Tauris, 2007. -Elez Biberaj, â€Å"Albania: a socialist moverick†, Westview Press, 1990. -Fatos Tarifa, â€Å"To Albania with love†, The Rowman Littlefield Publishing Group Incorporated, 2007. -Fatos Tarifa, Max Spoor, â€Å"The first decade and after: Albanian’s democratic transition and consolidation in the context of Southeast Europe†, CESTRAD, Institute of Social Studies, 2000. -Hans-Peter Jost, Christina Kleineidam, Fatos Lubonja, â€Å"Albania in transition 1991†, Benteli, 2011. -James Pettifer Miranda Vickers, â€Å"The Albanian Question, Reshaping the Balkans†, I.B.Tauris, 2007. -Krassimira Daskalova, Caroline Hornstein TomiĆ¡, Karl Kaser, Filip Radunovic, â€Å"Gendering Post-socialist Transition: Studies of Changing Gender Perspectives†, LIT Verlag Mà ¼nster, 2012. -Lavinia Stan, â€Å"Transitional Justice in Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Union : Reckoning with the communist past†, The Routledge, 2009. -Lavinia Stan, â€Å"Transitional Justice in Post-Communist, Romania, The Politics of Memory†, Cambridge University Press, 2012. -Matteo Fochessati, Rubens Shima, Sandra Solimano, â€Å"Arte in Albania prima e dopo il 1990 : cosi vicina, cosi lontana†, Silvana, 2009. -Misha Glenny, â€Å"The Balkans, Nationalism, War and the Great Powers, 1804-2011†, Penguin books, 2012. -Neil J.Kritz, â€Å"Transitional Justice: How emerging democracies reckon with Former Regimes†, US Institute of Peace Press, 1995. -Olivera Simic, Zala Volcic, â€Å"Transitional Justice and Civil Society in the Balkans†, Springer, 2012. -Owen Pearson, â€Å"Albania in the twentieth century: a history, volume III: Albania as dictatorship and democracy: From isolation to the Kosovo War†, The Center for Albanian Studies in association with I.B.Touris, 2006. -Peter Lucas, foreword by Fatos Tarifa, â€Å"The OSS in World War II Albania: Covert operations and Collaborations with Communist Partisans†, McFarland Company, Incorporated Publishers, 2007. [1] Clarissa De Waal, â€Å"Albania today: a portrait of post-communist turbulence†, I.B.Tauris, 2007, pg.5. [2] Clarissa De Waal, â€Å"Albania today: a portrait of post-communist turbulence†, I.B.Tauris, 2007, pg.6. [3] Clarissa De Waal, â€Å"Albania today: a portrait of post-communist turbulence†, I.B.Tauris, 2007, pg.8. [4] Albanian NGOs are most active in sectors such as health, education, culture, youth, women, and the environment.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Duty To Protect Vs. Duty To Warn When Dealing With Dangerous Clients

Duty To Protect Vs. Duty To Warn When Dealing With Dangerous Clients Nearly every mental health professional has faced the difficult task of having a client at one time or another that may pose a danger to themselves or someone else. This situation can present a conflict at times for therapists and others who are torn between preserving client confidentiality and protecting others from potential harm. Fortunately, there are legal procedures in place for dealing with this kind of dilemma. The downside to this, however, is that the legal guidelines are not always the same in each jurisdiction. Being aware of the specific methods for and legal obligations for dealing with these kinds of situations within each specific state is the responsibility of the practitioner, and can be difficult for therapists who may practice in more than one state or who relocate their offices from one state to another after a period of time. However, knowing a little bit of background about the duty to warn and the duty to protect and the cases that led to the imposition of these legal duties can help guide therapists and other mental health professionals in implementing ethical strategies for dealing with these kinds of circumstances. The legal concepts of duty to warn and duty to protect were first introduced in 1976, with the case of Tarasoff V. Regents of the University of California. This case established that therapists are obligated to inform an identified third party of potential danger if a client indicates that he or she may harm another individual. However, a large number of states also have a strict set of guidelines for executing the duty to warn in that there must be evidence of the possibility of serious danger or harm, the harm is very likely to occur, and that the targeted individual has been clearly identified. While the duty to warn refers specifically to notifying a potential third party of the imminent danger or harm, the duty to protect has broader implications. With the duty of protect, which is an option only in some states or jurisdictions, the therapist still has the legal obligation to protect a third party from danger but can do so through a variety of options such as hospitalization, more rigorous outpatient therapy, or other methods of intervention that still enable the therapist to maintain client confidentiality. While the duty to protect is a preferred method of dealing with these kinds of situations among mental health care professionals, this form of legislation is only in place in 24 states, with an additional nine states operating under this duty due to imposed court decisions in district or regional court systems. Exceptions to the duty to warn can be seen in a number of instances when the general public is concerned. In most situations, therapists are under no obligation to warn the general public about the risk of danger from one individual, even if a threat is noted. The implications of this exception are particularly of importance when it comes to the threat of transmission of HIV and other contractible diseases. In most states it is already illegal to knowingly infect another person or group of people with HIV. However, therapists are not legally obligated, and even discouraged from, warning the general public about the risk of transmission of HIV from a knowingly infected client. In this instance, client rights and confidentiality would prevail. Another instance where the duty to warn and the duty to protect are of importance is when it comes to the threat of child abuse. In many states, therapists and other professionals are obligated to report when a child may be in danger or is being harmed, often without regard to client confidentiality or an obligation to further provide additional intervention or treatment to the client. However, the problem that is seen in many states or situations is that there are no clearly defined guidelines as to how severe the harm has to be in order for a therapist to breach confidentiality. While most legislation specifies that there must be a â€Å"clear and immediate danger,† the definition of this can be construed differently by many people and at different times. For example, spanking could be perceived as some to be a â€Å"clear and immediate danger† to children, while to others, the threat would have to be much more severe in order to violate client confidentiality in favo r of protecting a child. While it is clear that there are many legal obligations that therapists have to warn others about potential dangers and to protect clients and others from harm when the need arises, the difficulty in executing many of these duties often lies in ambiguous guidelines in many jurisdictions. Often, it is an ethical decision that each individual practitioner must make based on their own principles, the laws within their specific jurisdiction, and their perception of the way the law is defined and the specific situation.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Time and Fate of Ragnarok Essay -- Literary Analysis

The Norse tale of Ragnarok presents an interesting example of apocalyptic literature as it presents both an end and a notable new beginning. The world which rises from the cosmic rubble is essentially equivalent to that which was destroyed, possessing the same creatures, features and Gods of times past. Thus through the themes of time and fate Snorri challenges the concepts of what was, is and will be by providing a framework which allows for the potential reiteration of history. By reviewing the Prose Edda’s telling of the the events before, during and after Ragnarok, the relationship between fate, time and history becomes clear. The Prose Edda begins by introducing several key concepts to the later work, beginning with Snorri’s connection of the Christian Genesis to Norse mythology. He cites the northern migration of man away from his origins as the cause of the slow loss of the name of the Abrahamic God. Snorri uses this loss as the primary reason for the need for alternate explanations of natural phenomena and thus the evolution of Nordic mythology (Snorri, 3). Typical exampl...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Imagery in Othello Essays -- Othello essays

Imagery in Othello  Ã‚         The vast array of natural imagery in Shakespeare’s tragic drama Othello dazzles the audience’s minds. Let us survey in this essay the varieties of imagery referred to by the playwright.    The vulgar imagery of Othello’s ancient dominates the opening of the play. Francis Ferguson in â€Å"Two Worldviews Echo Each Other† describes the types of imagery used by the antagonist when he â€Å"slips his mask aside† while awakening Brabantio:    Iago is letting loose the wicked passion inside him, as he does from time to time throughout the play, when he slips his mask aside. At such moments he always resorts to this imagery of money-bags, treachery, and animal lust and violence. So he expresses his own faithless, envious spirit, and, by the same token, his vision of the populous city of Venice – Iago’s â€Å"world,† as it has been called. . . .(132)    Standing outside the senator’s home late at night, Iago uses imagery within a lie to arouse the occupant: â€Å" Awake! what, ho, Brabantio! thieves! thieves! thieves! / Look to your house, your daughter and your bags!† When the senator appears at the window, the ancient continues with coarse imagery of animal lust: â€Å"Even now, now, very now, an old black ram / Is topping your white ewe,† and â€Å"you'll have your daughter covered with a Barbary horse; you'll have your nephews neigh to you; you'll have coursers for cousins and gennets for germans.† David Bevington in William Shakespeare: Four Tragedies comments that the imagery in the play is quite mundane, and he tells why:    The battle of good and evil is of course cosmic, but in Othello that battle is realized through a taut narrative of jealousy and murder. Its poetic images are accordingly focused t... ...s Desdemona before stabbing himself to death:    Cold, cold, my girl!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Even like thy chastity. O cursed slave!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Whip me, ye devils,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From the possession of this heavenly sight!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Blow me about in winds! roast me in sulphur!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Wash me in steep-down gulfs of liquid fire!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   O Desdemona! Desdemona! dead! (5.2)    WORKS CITED    Bevington, David, ed. William Shakespeare: Four Tragedies. New York: Bantam Books, 1980.    Ferguson, Francis. â€Å"Two Worldviews Echo Each Other.† Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint from Shakespeare: The Pattern in His Carpet. N.p.: n.p., 1970.    Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. No line nos.   

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Key Points for the Defense of American Exceptionalism Essay

American Exceptionalism is the idea that America is founded on a creed. That creed is to spread liberty, freedom, and democracy to the rest of the world. G.K. Chesterton stated, â€Å"America is the only nation in the world that is founded on a creed.† The creed he mentions is stated in the Declaration of Independence. In the preamble, it is said that, â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.† In saying this, we affirm that everyone should be treated equally with all of their basic rights. However many countries in the world do not support this view. We, as citizens of the United States of America, are to spread this ideal throughout the world. Many Americans support this theory of American Exceptionalism by fighting for America, supporting or working for the American government, or just going out into the world to underprivileged, developing nations as an American. American Exceptionalism is still thriving today and has throughout the history of America. As Seymour Martin Lipset states in his book, American Exceptionalism: A Double Edged Sword, America is not like the other European nations that our Founding Fathers came from. He states that if you are a Frenchman, it is not because you believe in French values; it is because you live in France. You are American by believing in American values. You can’t be un-French, un-British, or un-German just because you don’t agree with what the nation stands for. However, you can be un-American by not believing in American values or what America stands for. This sets America apart from other nations. America has a national identity. We have a common set of values and beliefs unlike any other nation in the world. These values and beliefs are at the very core of American Exceptionalism. These are that America should be a l ight to the world. America has a duty, and this duty is to spread freedom and liberty to the oppressed, the poor, the mislead, and the entire world. It is these values that have driven America to take some of the actions it has in its  past. For example, America decided to intervene in the Vietnam and Korean wars. In both cases America intervened to stop the spread of Communism. In The Limits of Power by Andrew J. Eacezich, he argues that the governement is using the idea of American Exceptionalism to cover their own agenda. He says that American Exceptionalism is a false ideal created by the government to get people to go along with the wars supported by the government. The reason that this is a incorrect theory, is that American Exceptionalism was created by the people, not the government. The people believe in American Exceptionalism because they know that it is true and that it exists. If there was no support for American Exceptionalism, then there would be know way that we would still be able to have our troops in the Middle East. American Exceptionalism one of the reasons that we went over and it is the sole reason that we have been able to stay over there without a major outcry from the general public. Most people think about American Exceptionalism being through wars and conquest, however it has a peaceful aspect to it also. For example, the United States Navy has two hospital ships that sail around the world to provide comfort and relief to developing nations and nations in need around the world. They currently have two hospital ships in service, the USNS Comfort and the USNS Mercy. These ships provide relief to people who are desperate for medical attention. These are people in places that would likely not be able to aquire medical treatment if not for these ships. They treat everything from minor bacterial infections, to life-threatening tumors growing inside of people. This exemplifies American Exceptionalism because it is setting an example for the rest of the world. These ships are quality medical centers staffed by trained medical personnel. The United States also runs multiple other programs around the world to help with relief and support. For example, the United States has multiple relief programs in Africa for refugees. The refugees come from countries where there is civil war tearing apart their communites. They are forced to flee for their saftey, their freedom, and even their lives. The United States helps support refugee camps throughout the world so these people can return to their former lives as soon as possible. However, American Exceptionalism is not limited to just actions of the government. The American people are also spreading the creed of liberty, freedom, and democracy. For example, the American government is not the only source of  supplies for African refugees. The Red Cross is also a huge source of supplies for refugees. They accept donations to buy massive quantities of relief foods and other supplies to help people around the world. The Red Cross also provides relief for people affected by natural disasters. An example of this would be the tsunami that affected most of the countries on the Indian Ocean in 2004. Another one would be when the tsunami hit in Japan 2011 and caused the nuclear leaks along with the regular affects. In both of these cases American citizens sent support to the rest of the world through donations and direct volunteering for the Red Cross. Americans also go on many mission trips throughout the world. These people are usually on missions for churches to spread their religion with people in other countries. However, while they are over there, they also typically help improve the quality of life for the natives as much as they can. This involves building schools, washing them, and many other things like it. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the United States saw a big surge in immigration from other countries. Many people decided to come to the United States because they heard about how great it was. They would come on huge ships from Europe and be greeted by the Statue of Liberty when they arrived. If American Exceptionalism did not exist, then what reason did they immigrants have for taking the dangerous journey across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in a rickety ship? When the immigrants arrived, there were some cases where they were treated rudely, but for the most part, the immigrants were accepted into the society. Most people went into the society and mixed right in. This is the reason that America is called the â€Å"mixing pot of the world.† These reasons show ho w American Exceptionalism is still here today. There are many supporting details that show how American Exceptionalism does exist and that the age of American Exceptionalism is not over. From the government to the people of the United States, everybody helps to spread the creed America was founded on. Works Cited Chesterton, G. K. What I Saw in America. New York, New York: Hodder and Stoughton, 1922. Eacezich, Andrew J. The Limits of Power. New York, New York: Metropolitan Books, 2008. Lewis, V. Bradley. â€Å"American Exceptionalism.† America 3 10 2011: 19-22. Lipset, Seymour Martin. American Exceptionalism: A Double Edged Sword. New York, New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1996. National Archives of the United States of America. â€Å"Declaration of Independence.† National Archives. 30 11 2012.

Neurological-Based Behavior Essay

For my reflection paper, I chose to give my opinion on the NBB’s, short for â€Å"Neurological-Based Atypical Behaviors†. NBB is defined as a collection of deeds or the behavior of children that happen outside the usual boundaries of self control. According to Dr. Paula Cook, specialist in teaching students with NBB, about 10 percent of students cannot control what they say or do reliably. They are found in almost all schools but they do not all have the same disorder or disease. There are a number of different disorders all under the same title: NBB. In my reflection I will briefly explain the most common NBB diagnoses along with their symptoms and how they should be dealt with in class. While I was reading this chapter, I came across different scenarios where the students would misbehave but I could not tell why. As I continued to read I noticed that if I did not have the correct training I could not explain how to deal with these children or even recognize that their behavior pointed to a type of NBB. There are 3 indicators that can help identify if a student has NBB and those are: behavior, language and academic difficulties; in decreasing order of importance. Behavior difficulties are compulsive, atypical and inconsistent behavior. Language difficulty is when the student has trouble understanding and expressing learnt information verbally. Last of all is the academic difficulty where the student has difficulty in motor comprehension and mathematical skills as well as the learning memory gap. There are 8 common disorders and most can be diagnosed in the classroom. I will briefly mention each one with its given symptoms. First and most common disorder is SID or Sensory Integration Dysfunction. Students with this disorder have trouble taking in information through their senses. This is the major reason for: hyperactivity, inattention, movement in class, learning and behavioral difficulties, etc.. The way to deal with this disorder in class is to keep the class tidy and clean as well as remove loud noises and bright lights. Also you can lessen the colors and distracting objects found in the classroom. ADHD is our second disorder in this list. It is commonly misdiagnosed as Bipolar disorder or OCD because the symptoms are very similar. These symptoms include: Short attention span, weak impulse control, hyperactivity. This disorder is found in males more than in females and the cause is neuro-developmental. There are many ways a teacher can deal with ADHD students. These children tend to find difficulty in being organized and they are extremely fidgety. Some ways to deal with the disorganization is to prepare a checklist for all students to use. They can tick off all their objectives when they’ve completed them thus staying organized and making it a habit. The next disorder is ODD or Oppositional Defiant Disorder where the child is extremely uncooperative and hostile. He/she will tend to throw tantrums when asked to do something they do not wish to do. This type of disorder is easy to deal with. Recognition and earshot or indirect praise will help boost the self esteem of a child and condition them to behave well. As mentioned before, bipolar disorder is often misdiagnosed as ADHD or depression or even OCD since the symptoms of these disorders are very similar but with minor variations that lead to major difference in diagnosis. Getting to know â€Å"Student X† on a personal basis is the biggest step toward helping this child fit in to the class and dealing with this disorder as simply as possible. Getting to know the child forms a certain bond of trust allowing the teacher to control the mood swing and abrupt behavior as much as possible. Learning disabilities (LD) are a wide range of disorders that affect the learning process of a student. The most widespread of all LDs is dyslexia which is where the student has difficulty processing language. Other examples of LD are dyscalculia, dyspraxia, and dysgraphia. These students are usually visual learners meaning they are better taught when using objects and graphic diagrams etc†¦ The last 2 disorders I will be discussing are ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) and FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder). The first refers to the disorder where children show delay in communication and socialization skills, impaired social development, and repetitive behavior. One of the most famous autistic adults is Dr. Temple Grandin. He has been on television on shows such as the Today Show and Larry King Live as well as The New York Times and Forbes magazines. Children with autism no matter what the severity respond well to decrease in sensory load. FASD is a disorder that can very simply be avoided. Cause: Alcohol consumption or smoking during pregnancy. Solution: No alcohol or smoking during pregnancy. Symptoms are widely ranged and each person behaves differently. Two people diagnosed with the same disorder may react in two very different ways depending on their personality. After having discussed all the above, I have been asked to give my input on the matter. Of everything stated in this presentation I had a vague idea of almost all the common disorders related to NBB but now I have learned how to recognize them while in a classroom as well as earned how to deal with students in such cases. The thing that caught my attention most was how to deal with such students while teaching an inclusive class. Methods may vary but the most important of all methods is the sensory balance and the â€Å"talk less† routine. I, myself, have encountered students with mild ADHD and moderate to extreme OCD both of which are common disorders that tend to hinder leaning experience. Both of these students were my friends. Student 1(ADHD) could not focus on an exam if a typo was found. In addition to his mild color blindness which amplified his ADHD because it would distract him from the main purpose of a question. Student 2: (OCD) This person had a severe case of OCD. He was admitted into therapy and started on anti-anxiety pills because of this disorder. He has the tendency to fidget and cannot stay in one place for too long which can explain on its own how it can stand in the way of his learning experience. In my opinion, teachers should be trained in recognizing and dealing with these students and their atypical behavior in ways that will least disturb the process of learning. Also, students diagnosed later on with SEVERE cases of NBB should be separated from the class and given the just attention needed. In other cases, the right amount of training could help a teacher successfully lead an inclusive class, or a shadow teacher could be assigned to students who need it.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Organizational Culture and Heinz Australia

1. Draw on each of the elements of the cultural web to discuss how the culture at Heinz Australia has changed and is continuing to evolve under Widdows’ leadership. The Paradigm: ‘Going backward’, unprofitable business, very negative, low-risk, ‘punitive’ culture, lack of nurturing and support of staff, little encouragement of new ideas, and a complex organizational structure. Are the Assumptions/core beliefs of Heinz Australia before. Myths and Stories: staff morale was low and turnover unacceptably high, very negative, low- risk, and ‘punitive’ culture.Symbols Aspects: Heinz Logo is known all over the world for their condiments and other food products. Mission and Vision statement that gives direction and goal in the businesss. Power Structure: It shows that Widdows have gained respect from the staffs, that which follows his authority. Organisational Structure: its hierarchical structure Control System: With the changes have made for th eir corporate culture, through being flexible by given the mutual respect and trust to the staff.It shows that it doesn’t have to monitor every time. Rituals and routines: Showing an initiative concern for their staff, such health and wellbeing, giving free membership to the gym, health care programs and such. 2. Based on your cultural web audit, identify the key forces for and against change. The key forces against change is staff turnover unacceptably high, low risk and punitive culture. With this culture, it will be difficult for the new management to adopt to changes.Moreover, Widdows as he pursued for transformational change when he became a Managing Director. It has change from negative to positive culture. 3. What appear to be the key strengths of the new culture? After the Widdows taking over as the new leadership, it helps the staff to enjoy by flexible working hours, have mutual respect and trust, ‘great place to work’ environment. Instead of being afra id to give new ideas, staffs are encouraged to share. 4. What aspects of the organization need to be monitored and sustained to nsure the organization does not slide back into the old ways of thinking and working? Continues providing of the new rewards and benefits system. Such as flexible working hours, free membership to the gym, health care, and others. More importantly the leaders of the organization should be in lined their purpose and objective with one another. Reference: Graetz, F. , Rimmer, M. , Smith, A. , & Lawrence, A. (2011). Managing Organisational Change (3rd Edition). Milton, QLD, John Wiley & Sons

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Understanding Inclusive Learning and Teaching in Lifelong Learning

Form 2Assessment front sheet and feedback record PTLLS Level 3/4 Unit No:| | Learner name:| | Enrolment number:| | Date issued:| | Date submitted:| | I confirm that the evidence for this unit is authentic and a true representation of my own work. Learner signature:| | Date:| | Feedback: Continue on a separate sheet if necessary, see overleaf Tutor/Assessor/Marker and IQA’s signatures (IQA if sampled) must appear on the following page. Learners do not complete this box| Feedback: Continued from previous page) | Marker/Tutor/Assessor name:| | Grade| | Date| | Resubmission date (if referred):| | Grade| | Date| | IQA’s name (if sampled)| | | Date| | Understanding inclusive learning and teaching in lifelong learning I have delivered a teaching session covering for a colleague on sick leave. It was the first time I had worked with the group within which there was an ESOL learner, a learner with dyslexia, a learner who receives learning support and a learner with disruptive te ndencies.I am writing a journal entry for my professional development file which is presented according to the stages of the teaching cycle (See: Figure 1A The teaching cycle, Wilson, 2008, p15). This text is an analysis of the learning and teaching strategies used with an evaluation of the effectiveness of your approaches to learning and teaching in meeting the needs of learners. Also, this text is an analysis of how I selected resources to meet the needs of learners with an explanation of how I created assessment opportunities that met the needs of learners.It has been a great challenge to deliver a unique teaching session to these learners for the first time. To ensure teaching to be effective, I have followed the teaching cycle mentioned earlier as follows: the Identify need stage; the Design stage; the Implement stage and the Evaluation stage. * The Identify need stage: Before the session day, I have gathered as much information as accessible, related to the all group of learne rs (i. e. umber of students, general behaviour of the group, etc. ), the programme’s progression (In this instance, based on an existing standardisation I have found out what had been taught previously and what I had had to teach. ). During the session, I started by introducing myself to the group with an explanation of the reasons why I was standing in front of them. This enabled the learners to acknowledge me as their teacher and get ready for the session.Then, I did a diagnostic assessment through an ice-breaker to ascertain the learners had prior knowledge of the subject to be taken, to identify their preferred learning styles, to let them to choose a colour (The colour was used as font for a power point presentation and prints on pastry paper to help the dyslexic learner. ) and to enable them introduce each other. I skipped the information, advice and guidance (IAG) procedures because the course is standardised and the group has attended few sessions with my colleague in the past. The Design stage This stage was important because â€Å"To fail to plan is to plan to fail† (Petty 2004: 422). I did not need to create a scheme of work because my colleague was expected to return back to teach the next sessions. I prepared a session plan to reflect how I would create an inclusive teaching session. I created hand-outs (In this instance, I used on side of coloured pastel paper to suit the dyslexic learner) and power-point presentation which promote all aspects of society, equality and diversity.I had a contingency plan in case anything has gone wrong. Having taken into account the fact that their learning needs, learning styles and learning goals were quite different, I planned for a differentiated delivery to address individual differences. I included small group work to suit kinaesthetic learners and weak learners (In this instance it is about the ESOL learner and the learner who receives learning support), discussion to suit auditory learners and simulation to suit visual learners. * The Implement stageAfter discussion with the learners, we agreed and established ground rules to promote good behaviour and respect for everyone in the group. Soon after the ice-breaker activity, I used another activity to negotiate with the learners, ground rules which banned disruptive tendencies expressively. Each rule of the ground rules was written by one learner on a single A4 paper visible during the session. Like the other learners of the group, the learner with disruptive tendencies felt included with the opportunity to take ownership, then, followed the rules.I avoided favouritism and positive discrimination. I ensured to comply with the Equality Act (2010) and to include all learners in the session. The ESOL learner was allocated extra time to complete tasks. The learner who receives learning support had the opportunity to work collectively with other learners of the group. To meet the needs of the dyslexic learner, the chosen colour of the group was used on hand-outs and as the power-point slides’ font.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Osama Bin Laden’s Strategy Essay

What were Osama bin Laden’s intended strategies in response to the â€Å"Arab Spring and why did he consider it a formidable event?† In response to the revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protest (both non-violent and violent) throughout the Arab world, Osama Bin Laden wanted to reevaluate how Al-Qaida as a whole conducted their operations within the Muslim world. Osama Bin Laden viewed Al Qaeda’s in ability to attract followers as a weakness, â€Å"He believed that a media campaign should be launched to incite people who have not yet revolted and exhort them to rebel against the rulers†, (Lahoud et al. 2012, 3). By avoiding joining political parties and focusing on combat operations, for example in Afghanistan the Taliban were â€Å"weakening† the United States which had a negative effect on the United States ability to assist leaders in the Muslim world with combating the Arab Spring, (Lahoud et al. 2012, 3). Osama Bin Laden viewed the Arab s pring, which was sweeping across the Muslim World causing riots and protest as a time filled with great opportunity because of the effect it was having on Governments such as Tunisia and Egypt. â€Å"At the time he was writing, the presidents of Tunisia and Egypt, Zein al-`Abidin bin `Ali and Husni Mubarak had fallen. Bin Laden was convinced that their fall was bound to trigger a domino effect, and â€Å"the fall of the remaining tyrants in the region was inevitable†, (Lahoud et al. 2012, 48). Explain Osama bin Laden’s relationship with regional jihadi groups at the time of his death. Senior Al Qaeda leadership held mixed feelings in regards to how to deal with regional jihadi groups. These regional groups were likely attracted to Al Qaeda after its much successful attack on September 11, 2009. While some Al Qaeda leadership felt that regional Jihadis should not be accepted into Al Qaeda, other leadership felt that only be including regional insurgents could Al Qaeda grow it’s numbers. â€Å"Bin Laden represented a third position, as he wanted to maintain communication, through his own pen or that of his inner circle, with â€Å"brothers† everywhere, to urge restraint and provide advice, without granting them formal unity with al-Qa`ida†, (Lahoud et al. 2012, 11- 12). Explain how King and Taylor describe the radicalization process for the purposes of their study, and why their study focused on the radicalization of â€Å"homegrown† jihadists. King and Taylor describe the radicalization process as one, which requires more than point of view to  understand. This is why King and Taylor conducted analysis of all five radicalization models at one time in order to understand the process of radicalization. By comparing each method King and Taylor were able to note similarities and difference amongst the methods. The study focused on â€Å"homegrown Jihadists† because of the current threat towards the west as a result of radical ideology produced by terrorist organization such as Al Qaeda, (King and Taylor, 2011). Why do King and Taylor take the position that basing counter-terrorism or counter-radicalization strategies on models that have not been empirically validated can be misleading and risky? In addition, why do King and Taylor take the position that the narrative promoted by jihadists is amenable to empirical research? King and Taylor believe the understanding and process of radicalization cannot be narrowed down to one method because the reason behind one individuals path towards terrorism may differ from another, (King and Taylor 2011, 616). Also, King and Taylor believe insurgents use propaganda to their benefit. For example, by leading Muslims to believe the West is attacking not only Muslim countries but also Islam itself they are able to instill into Muslim that they must defend their fellow Muslim brothers and sisters. This is one method that is used in describing the early stages of the Radicalization, as described by the NYPD, (King and Taylor 2011, 617). What conclusions do King and Taylor reach, regarding their study of radicalization of homegrown jihadists and what recommendations do they make regarding future research? At the conclusion of their research, King and Taylor decided that each method provided important information in regards to their own respected method. â€Å"When brought together, however, the commonalities and discrepancies between these models offered even greater insights, which may be used as a guiding framework for future research concerning homegrown jihadi radicalization†, (King and Taylor 2011, 617). The conclusion primarily focused on three factors which King and Taylor label as â€Å"contributing factors† to the radicalization process, reaction to group relative deprivation, management of identities and lastly personality characteristics, (King and Taylor 2011, 617-618). Along with these three factors King and Taylor suggest further research also focused on the internet and how it leads to ra dicalization and also the Jihadi narrative and its ability to influence homegrown jihadists, (King and Taylor 2011, 618)

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Comparing and Contrasting American Families Then and Now Essay

Comparing and Contrasting American Families Then and Now - Essay Example In the times of early civilization and progress you would find the male counterpart toiling the fields for crop preparation or working in the stables, etc. The female counterpart would be at home gardening to plant vegetables, placing the family meal of stew over the fire pit, doing the laundry, milking the cows, etc (Smith1994). The position of co-head of household was a very significant position in colonial America. It required the woman to insure everything was running smoothly, that the children were well tended to and doing their studies and the house was presentable but quaint (Smith1994). In contrast to the 20th century there is not much of a difference. Perhaps the main variations that would be found would be the fact that women have more rights now than they did then but the moral values are still held in the minds and hearts of many women in this time era(Lichter1994). Colonial times involved much more detail than does the 20th century. Everything was done from scratch where today, we as women can go out and buy prepackaged pancake mix, already cut beef, eggs in cartons, etc. For the colonists this was not available so therefore the contrast here is evident. The female role in those times was even more hectic and detailed than it is now but there was a magic in it that still has spilled over into m odern times. As was previously stated, there are so many women moving from executive status to stay at home moms now. They even have resorted to homeschool methods; as back in the colonial days many children were taught at home by the women (using: Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia Online 1997-2005). As was previously reverberated, while the women tended the children and home the men were left to have the burden of providing financial stability within the family. This took a lot of work within itself but the belief back in that time was that it was the mans responsibility to insure his family could survive financially while the woman secured comfort within the home for her family (using: Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia Online 1997-2005). If women in colonial times did acquire work outside the home then it normally was still female related. Some positions were those of a seamstress or a boarding house keeper. There were also women who took on the forms of doctors and teachers as well (using: Compton's Encyclopedia 1994-1995). When a convergence of these two variable time eras is viewed it is found that though time's have evolved for the betterment of women in the concept of work outside the home, the same family value's still exist. Even if women do work outside the home in the current time period, they are still considered to be the primary caregivers of the home and the children. Furthermore, women aren't finding the satisfaction as they thought they would by working in more stressful positions within corporations. Though work at home and caring for the family can be visualized as just as difficult, and perhaps even more tiring, this is the wish of many women in America today. Why else would they leave the executive world in behind to be a 24/7 mom and wife They do this because they feel something is lacking in the family atmosphere, the